Blue Collar Culture
The Blue Collar Culture Podcast is for business owners and leaders who work for a living. You've scratched and clawed to build your business. You don't have ping-pong tables and nap pods, you employ down-to-earth, hard-working men and women who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
This podcast is about you. We highlight your stories of success and share the secrets to winning with Blue Collar Culture.
Blue Collar Culture
How To Be A Present Entrepreneur With Jordan Abaroa
Ryan Englin and Jeremy Macliver
Episode 87
Sometimes your business ends up consuming more time than you would like. It's hard to be a present entrepreneur – one that balances being an entrepreneur and a provider of the family. But it's not impossible. Finding time for those family vacations and those business meetings are key to a successful life. The most important impact that you will ever make will happen within the walls of your own home. Join Ryan Englin as he talks to the founder of The Present Entrepreneur, Jordan Abaroa about balancing work and family life. Jordan helps liberate entrepreneur dads who want to gain more time with their families. Learn why your value is not tied to money as the provider of the family. Discover how to use time blocking effectively so you can have energy throughout your day. Find out some key assets you need in both your business and personal life. Start being the best entrepreneur dad/mom out there today!